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PPWM Ministry Membership
Are you A Member of
Prophetic Praise and Worship Ministries International ?
Would you like to become a member? If so Please add your contact information below, we will send you info and updates about Ministry Events, Stay up to date with our Ministry and Join together with us in fellowship! Join as the Lord Leads you!
Membership Registration Form
Here are some Preventative measures to use while joining us in person as well as everyday... Please make sure to read over it in its entirety as our goal is to provide the safest environment as possible. -Mask may be required when physically joining us at this time - Please maintain a distance of 6 to 8 feet at all times; make sure to spread out leaving enough room for yourself and others around you - One person or one family at a time when entering/exiting doorways - If required, Please keep your mask on while worshiping with us - For safety measures we have safety precaution stations set up w/ antibacterial products available for your use during service.
If you are experiencing any symptoms related to the COVID-19 please do not come in person; I want to encourage you to go get checked out; you can always join us via our Live-stream by going to our Live-stream tab or accessing it on Apple TV, ROKUTV or FireTV
Know without a doubt that the safety of everyone is Always my top priority and if at ANY POINT we need to go virtual instead of physically gathering we are ready! I will be personally keeping touch should any changes arise as I continue to evaluate the situation . Feel free to contact us with any questions.
God has NOT Given US the spirit of fear BUT POWER, LOVE & SOUND MIND
Praying for the WORLD
Monique Faith Worship-Pastor
Founder and Chief