Our Children's Ministry Team Lead Sister Narkeita Motaabed and Teams both minister and instill the word of God into children of all ages. They believe in training up a child in the way they should go and the child will not depart. Teaching children the word of God is very important , it gives them strong moral values and a deep faith in God , so they will be able to not only have the word of God in their hearts but also apply it to their lives as they grow up.
The Youth Ministry
To Our Parents!!
It is an exciting & priviledged time, for us, to teach your most blessed possessions. This is an awesome opportunity, in which Our God Almighty has entrusted us to "teach and train" them for HIS GLORY and for the gathering of SOULS, at an early age!
**Our class time begins @2:30 pm, the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month.
**Each child is to come to class prepared to takes notes for their "personal and home/ family study time". ll Tim.2:15, Joshua 1:8 & Psalm 1.
**Their tools needed for class is a Kings James (1611)Version Bible, n notebook(to take notes) and a pen.
**This Version of the Bible will provide a solid, anointed foundation for our students to learn the Anointed, Unchangable, WORD of God!!
**Monthly Focus - PPWM Children's Corner
Q. How Many Books of the Bible?
A. There ar 66 Books. 39 - Old Testament, 27 - New Testament
Q. Where would you look to find the Books of The Bible?
A. In the Table of Contents(in the front)of the Holy Bible. (Each student is to familiarize themselves with the Table of Contents.)
Q. Who is a part of the TRINITY?
A. For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.
l John 5:7.
GOD the Father created/made everything. Gen. 1:1
He SPOKE the WORD/JESUS.(GOD SAID, Let there be Light (WORD) & there was light. (It happened because of HIS POWER.)
GOD ALMIGHTY SPOKE "the WORD" 9 X's in the Book of Genesis.
GOD the HOLY SPIRIT is the POWER /ANOINTING. THIS POWER/ANOINTING is what raised Jesus from the dead.
The three are one. l John5:7
Q. Since GOD SPOKE THE WORD, who is The WORD?
A. In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God, and the WORD was God...
(read on)ST. JOHN 1:1-5
And the WORD was made Flesh...(read on) ST. JOHN 1:14
**FOCUS: Indefinately
On the WORD that GOD SPOKE. WHO IS HE??? Why did HE come. What's HIS NAME & PURPOSE for coming to earth?
**CHALLENGE: Take time to study your notes, each day, before doing homework. Each day review Church School Notes. Review notes with your parent(s). Study to shew yourself approved unto God...(read on)
l Timothy 2:15
*Since our children are "Born Again"(have accepted Jesus Christ as their Personal Lord & Savior) we have been reviewing l Peter 2:9.
To our Blessings, you will be rewarded for your efforts!!!
Love you,
Sister Narkeita
To Our Parents,
As always it is an honor and privilege to explore the word of God with your children.
Children are excited and confident when they are prepared with their tools for learning.
Be sure that they have their Bible (KJV, 1611), a notebook/folder and pencil.
Class meets every 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month and begins at 2:30.
Our classes are designed with varied Learning Styles in mind.
Whether your child is a tactile, visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner,
we’re sure to have an activity that he/she will embrace.
As Co Laborers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ it is through
our team efforts of planting and watering the
word of God in our children’s hearts that they shall do great exploits.
The Holy Spirit will give the increase.
Remember, we as parents are their “first teachers”.
It is our hope that our time in the word of God mirrors and/ or
reinforces what is already being learned at home.
~Grace and Blessings,
Team Lead Narkeita
We will discover the “Divine Nature” of the Holy Spirit.
Being that He is:
1. Omnipotent- Having unlimited power. _____
2. Omnipresent- Boundless. Present everywhere at the same time.____
3. Omniscient- All knowing. ____
4. Eternal- He has no beginning and no ending. ____
After reading the scripture references below:
1 Corinthians 2:1-11
Psalm 139:7-10
Hebrew 9:14
Luke 1:35
Identify which above scripture best exemplifies
one of the four attributes of the Holy Spirit’s “Divine Nature”.
We will also discover that the Holy Spirit has personal attributes as well:
He has :
1. Intellect -Reasoning, comprehension, thought and judgement. ( Romans 8:27)
2. Emotions -a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from ones circumstances with others. (Romans 15:30)
3. A Will -Having a divine plan. (1Corithians 12:11) and
( Acts 16:6)
PPWM Monthly Challenge:
Study Challenge: Scripture tells us in 2Timothy 2:15
“study to shew thyself approved unto God, a
workman needeth not to be ashamed, rightly
dividing the word of truth.”
Take time out of each day to study the word of God.
Review your notes from Sunday school and from
Sunday Church Service with your parents.
Prayer Challenge:
“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for
another, That ye may be healed” James 5:16a.
Pray for the children at your school. Allow God to show
you specific children that need prayer.
Each Class typically includes:
BIBLE LESSON- Presented by the Teacher or by students.
BIBLE RUSH a game where children sharpen their skills in locating the books of the Bible as they race against the clock.
MEMORY VERSE to assist with hiding the “Word of
God” in their hearts.
WRITING, DRAWING,PAINTING or (suggested) CREATIVE MEDIUM- supporting activity to reinforce the bible lesson.
We are learning many awesome and wonderful
things about the” God of the Bible”.
The true and living God;
Represented in “The Trinity”,
God the Father, God the Son(Word) and God the
Holy Spirit (Ghost).1John5:7.
***Quarterly Focus- PPWM Children’s Corner
Q. Who are we without a Savior?
A. We are like sheep that have gone astray. (Isaiah 53:6)
Q. What must a person do to be saved?
A. Believe. (Acts 16:31)
Q. What else must a person do to be saved?
A. Confess with their mouth. (Romans 10:9)
As we continue to discover God’s True Identity,
our emphasis will be on “God the Holy Spirit”. The
Holy Spirit that was present when creation first
began. In Genesis 1:26 God said “Let us make
man”, keyword being ”us”.
The Holy Spirit in Matthew 28:19 where God
commanded his disciples to baptize “Believers”
in the name of “the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit”.
To Our Parents,
As always it is an honor and privilege
to explore the word of God with your children.
Childsren are excited and confident when they
are prepared with their tools for learning.
Be sure that they have their Bible (KJV, 1611),
a notebook/folder and pencil. Class meets every 2nd
and 4th Sunday of each month and begins at
2:30. Our classes are designed with varied
Learning Styles in mind. Whether your child
is a tactile, visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner,
we’re sure to have an activity that he/she will embrace.
As Co Laborers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ it is through
our team efforts of planting and watering the Word of God
in our children’s hearts that they shall do great exploits. The
Holy Spirit will give the increase. Remember, we as parents
are their “first teachers”. It is our hope that our time in the word
of God mirrors and/ or reinforces what is already being
learned at home.
Praise Dancers
"We are the youth ministry of Prophetic Praise and Worship Ministries. We help to usher in the Holy Spirit in praise dance during praise and worship."
"Without the word of God instilled into our children , they will become lost in this world full of sin! We are charged as their overseers and their guardians to teach them the word of the Lord. Having Jesus in their life is important to the eternity of their soul. "