Monique Faith Worship
Monique Faith Worship is an influential and powerful leader who expertly balances ministry, family and career. She was ordained to the office of Pastor in 2013 by Pastor Amelia Williams. She is a family oriented proud mother and believes in building a firm and grounded foundation with one another. Her mother and grandmother have shared testimonies of God using Monique Faith through open prophetic visions at the age of two years old, she would call out to them regarding ministering angels and would share with them visions of what the Lord was showing her, as she would instruct them to go into a certain room and sure enough, His presence would be there.
Prophetic Praise and Worship Ministries INT'L originated in the 1980’s by the Apostolic voice Theresa Worship Sr, Matriarch of the family Dynasty as a prayer group well known for miracles that occurred. Leading to her transition, she was diligent with passing on the mantle to her granddaughter Monique Faith Worship as the Lord commissioned. After the passing of Theresa Worship Sr, Monique Faith was instructed by the Lord to restart the group, then came the rebirth as she established it as a nonprofit organization Prayer Ministry in 2008 with her Mother Theresa Worship Jr. and sister Nikkole working side by side. Revival began to break out birthing forth a Prophetic Movement. In 2012, founded under the direction and unction of the Holy Spirit Monique Faith was instructed to start a weekly bible study that would be called The (ER) Emergency Room. A place where the wounded and hurting come to be healed, set free, delivered and made whole again. From there the ministry has extended into a flourishing five-fold church known as PPWM, the traveling church spreading the gospel around the world steadily growing as God adds to the body of Christ. Monique Faith Worship continues to run on with the mantle setting ablaze a new path with the torch of Revival!
Prophetic because as we began to intercede we allow God to lead us by unction of the Holy Spirit; what it is that He is speaking and wants. Praise, because we first and always enter into prayer by thanking Him and Worship because that is where we end up, after all that is our last name. Nothing just happens!
Monique Faith is known as a trailblazer, dream coach and world shaker while building up God’s kingdom in her own unique style birthing into existence things that had not been seen or done before, as she is notorious for hosting the most radical and powerful Prophetic Prayer Meeting Revivals which has started a wave across the land. During Revivals her delivery is like none other - going forth in Prophetic Intercessory warfare Steppin’ in Army fatigue when it was not common while waving red scarfs as a prophetic demonstration of victory. Continuing on with the mantle, she coaches and hosts Interactive Dream Sessions, interpreting dreams and visions from a biblical perspective led by the Holy Spirit. As she began to step out in godly boldness, stand in her apostolic anointing and speak God’s Word many lives have been changed, delivered and set free. In 2022, she was installed, affirmed, set forth and officially established into the office of Apostle by the Executive Board Officers of PPWM INT’l.
Although a native of Cleveland, Ohio, Monique Faith continues missions work, travels extensively throughout the nation and has become well known for her ability to usher in the presence of God through Prophetic Praise and Worship coupled with a powerful anointing for healing, deliverance and bridging the gap between generations. God has opened several doors of ministry taking her from a local platform to a national and international scene. Founder and CEO of SOTA, the School of the Apostolic, servicing spiritual and marketplace, she’s multifaceted providing professional developments cultivating leaders. She’s an ambassador internationally overseeing schools and orphanage provisions and supplies year round. She’s a recording artist and writer with multiple releases and is currently working on various projects and has also been a featured guest on several television, radio and internet talk shows. She coordinates and hosts “Prayer Meeting Revivals” globally. She is also the County Representative for,‘Cry Out! America’- National Day of Prayer.
Her motto “We Don’t just Do Church - We Do Change”. Although young in age, she is old in God and is effectively moving in Him. Apostle Monique’s mission is to do as God instructed in His Word - Mark 16:17-20 , as the mantle continues you can follow Monique Faith Worship and the PPWM family on social outlets.
Founder and Chief
Monique Faith Worship

Prophetic Praise and Worship Ministries INT'L
PO Box 18155
Cleveland Hts., OH 44118
PH: 1 216.245.5142